Netzwerk Phänomenologische Metaphysik


James H. Fetzer

(2013). Evolving consciousness: the very idea!. In L. Swan (Ed.). Origins of mind (pp. 225-242). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2011). Evolution and atheism: has Griffin reconciled science and religion? Synthese, 178 (2), 381-396.

with Branch, G. (eds) (2011). Synthese 178 (2).

(2004). What is abduction?: an assessment of Jaakko Hintikka's conception. In J. Symons, & D. Kolak (Eds.). Quantifiers, questions and quantum physics (pp. 127-155). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2002). In memoriam: Wesley C. Salmon (1925-2001). Synthese, 132 (1-2), 1-3.

(2002). Introduction. Synthese, 132 (1-2), 5-8.

(2002). Propensities and frequencies: inference to the best explanation. Synthese, 132 (1-2), 27-61.

(ed) (2002). Synthese 132 (1-2).

with Humphreys, P. (1995). Editorial preface. Synthese, 104 (2), 177-177.

(1990). Evolution, rationality, and testability. Synthese, 82 (3), 423-439.

(1988). Signs and minds: an introduction to the theory of semiotic systems. In J. H. Fetzer (Ed.). Aspects of artificial intelligence (pp. 133-161). Dordrecht: Springer.

(ed) (1988). Aspects of artificial intelligence. Dordrecht: Springer.

(1985). Science and sociobiology. In J. H. Fetzer (Ed.). Sociobiology and epistemology (pp. 217-246). Dordrecht: Springer.

(ed) (1985). Sociobiology and epistemology. Dordrecht: Springer.

(1979). Reichenbach, reference classes, and single case "probabilities". In W. C. Salmon (Ed.). Hans Reichenbach (pp. 187-219). Dordrecht: Springer.

(1974). Statistical probabilities: single case propensities vs. long-run frequencies. In W. Leinfellner, & E. Köhler (Eds.). Developments in the methodology of social science (pp. 387-397). Dordrecht: Springer.