Netzwerk Phänomenologische Metaphysik

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The present [future] of electronic literature

Dene Grigar

pp. 127-142

The focus of this essay is to expand upon N. Katherine Hayles' views about electronic literature created for non-screen environments by looking at two additional genres I call multimedia game narratives and corporeal poetry and showing examples of the works found in these categories. In doing so, I am suggesting that the issue is not where the field is headed, but rather if the field can catch up to the art already being produced. The question for me is not what electronic literature is but rather what it may be or will become as we continue to invent technologies and innovate them for purposes of literary art.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-79486-8_13

Full citation:

Grigar, D. (2008)., The present [future] of electronic literature, in R. Adams, S. Gibson & S. Müller Arisona (eds.), Transdisciplinary digital art. sound, vision and the new screen, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 127-142.

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