Netzwerk Phänomenologische Metaphysik

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(2009) Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.

"O bitches of impossibility!"

programmatic dysfunction in the chaosmos of Deleuze and Whitehead

Roland Faber

pp. 200-219

Is Whitehead Dada? you may ask. Is Deleuze Dada? And I will answer: Yes! In a certain sense they are, in that "functioning" seems to be a very dubious thing; in the sense that the way we organize our thought is politically revealing (AO XIII); in the sense that to subject ourselves to any system in order to gain security or control is a way of suppressing life (N 143).2 In this sense, the protest against any kind of imperialist occupation of the ever-flowing multiplicity of Life may begin with the liberation from the hysteria of seeking function, organization, system, subjection and control (N 32) — that is what dada was all about.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1057/9780230280731_12

Full citation:

Faber, R. (2009)., "O bitches of impossibility!": programmatic dysfunction in the chaosmos of Deleuze and Whitehead, in K. Robinson (ed.), Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 200-219.

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