Netzwerk Phänomenologische Metaphysik

(2020) Filozofia 75 (6).

Hegelova koncepcia byrokracie ako všeobecného stavu

Michal Lipták

pp. 446-459

This article analyzes Hegel’s conception of bureaucracy in Philosophy of Right, especially in relation to its characteristic as universal class. As universal class. It is argued that’s function of bureaucracy as universal class transcends its particular practical function and it has emancipatory function as well. This view is then briefly criticized via the criticism raised by young Marx. Finally, it is argued that philosophical validity Hegel’s conception is intentionally and inherently linked to, in principle, contingent historical development. This is then related to current bureaucratic apparatus of European Union.

Publication details

Full citation:

Lipták, M. (2020). Hegelova koncepcia byrokracie ako všeobecného stavu. Filozofia 75 (6), pp. 446-459.

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