Netzwerk Phänomenologische Metaphysik

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(2010) A critical companion to zoosemiotics, Dordrecht, Springer.

Anthropological zoosemiotics

Dario Martinelli

pp. 121-170

Anthropological Zoosemiotics represents the zoosemioticians' contribution to the dicussion of the most critical topic in all studies concerning nature: the problem of the approach. Before starting any kind of discussion on other living forms, we should ask ourselves how to approach them. Is it possible, as humans, to study them in an adequate way? Are we able to observe other animals without being conditioned by a human interpretation of reality? Questions concerning the approach arise whenever zoosemiotic issues are discussed, and – as seen in  Chapter 2, with the paragraph "Emic vs. Etic" – are unavoidable also at the level of Ethological Zoosemiotics. However, if in that case the question mostly requires biological (scientific in the strict sense) investigations, in AZ the problem appears in two clearly distinguished guises.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9249-6_3

Full citation:

Martinelli, D. (2010). Anthropological zoosemiotics, in A critical companion to zoosemiotics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 121-170.

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