Netzwerk Phänomenologische Metaphysik

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(1986) Derrida on the threshold of sense, Dordrecht, Springer.



John Llewelyn

pp. 119-123

If the time of writing is the time of imagination, imagination can no longer be simply synthesis, Einbildungskraft. It will be construction and deconstruction. And its power of representation, its Vorstellungsvermögen, will call for a sense of vor that is not the "before' of presence and presentation. The time of writing is a time that is out of joint, a time in which "the simple structure of maintenance and manuscription, like every intuition of an origin, is a myth' [ED 334 (226)]. It is not the time of the phenomenon and phenomenology, the time of a fenced-in field of sense. And its not being this is not just overabundance of meaning, expansive plurisemia, but what makes this possible and impossible: the general economy of the text referred to in Chapter 1, expenditure without consumption or return. What comes to pass in this time of epigraphical inscription is the generation of meaning which is always already divided and is therefore an a priori de-generation. Meaning begins endingly, de-limited: "la dissémination affirme la génération toujours déjà divisée du sens. Elle — le laisse d'avance tomber' [Diss 300 (268)]. Meaning is allowed to fall — towards its tomb. Dissemination is a generality operator that is the death of generation.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-349-18096-7_8

Full citation:

Llewelyn, J. (1986). Post-script: glassification, in Derrida on the threshold of sense, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 119-123.

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