Netzwerk Phänomenologische Metaphysik

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(1997) Philosophy of mathematics today, Dordrecht, Springer.

Mathematical symmetry principles in the scientific world view

György Darvas

pp. 319-334

The term symmetry is used in a very broad sense, not only as a mathematical notion, but as something bridging disciplines, cultures, sciences and arts. It is used as a general term similar to the categories in philosophy, a general umbrella, used in most sciences and arts, in any culture. The contributions to the present volume were discussed at a meeting hosted by Symmetrion — The Institute for Advanced Symmetry Studies, an institution which is striving to lend a certain generality to the activities it supports, in some sense similar to the role played by philosophy towards the sciences. Let the reader forgive the author for being inspired by the genius loci, and placing subjectively more emphasis on the role of symmetry among all other mathematical tools that generate philosophical problems.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-5690-5_19

Full citation:

Darvas, G. (1997)., Mathematical symmetry principles in the scientific world view, in E. Agazzi & G. Darvas (eds.), Philosophy of mathematics today, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 319-334.

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