Dean P. Rickles

, 2012, Time, observables, and structure, in E. Landry & D. P. Rickles (eds.), Structural realism, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 135-145.

with Landry, E. (eds) , 2012, Structural realism: structure, object, and causality, Springer, Dordrecht.

with French, S. , 2006, Quantum gravity meets structuralism: interweaving relations in the foundations of physics, in D. P. Rickles, S. French & J. Saatsi (eds.), The structural foundations of quantum gravity, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 1-39.

with French, S. , Saatsi, J. (eds) , 2006a, The structural foundations of quantum gravity, Oxford University Press, Oxford.