Ioannis Votsis

, 2020, 'Theory-ladenness: testing the "untestable"', Synthese 197 (4), 1447-1465.

with Schurz, G. , 2014, Reconstructing scientific theory change by means of frames, in T. Gamerschlag, D. Gerland, R. Osswald & W. Petersen (eds.), Frames and concept types, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 93-109.

, 2012, How not to be a realist, in E. Landry & D. P. Rickles (eds.), Structural realism, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 59-76.

with Schurz, G. , 2011, 'Editorial introduction to scientific realism quo vadis? theories, structures, underdetermination and reference', Synthese 180 (2), 79-85.

, 2011a, 'Data meet theory: up close and inferentially personal', Synthese 182 (1), 89-100.

, 2011b, 'Saving the intuitions: polylithic reference', Synthese 180 (2), 121-137.

, 2011c, Structural realism: continuity and its limits, in A. Bokulich & P. Bokulich (eds.), Scientific structuralism, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 105-117.

with Schurz, G. (eds) , 2011a, Synthese 180 (2).