James Hatley

, 2017, 'John Kiess, Hannah Arendt and theology', Arendt Studies 1, 182-183.

, 2011, 'Skeptical poetics and discursive universality: an etiquette of legacy in the time of Shoah', Levinas Studies 6, 89-111.

, 2010, Zeugnis ablegen: Bäume, in A. Kapust & B. Waldenfels (Hrsg.), Kunst. Bild. Wahrnehmung. Blick, Paderborn, Fink, pp. 231-236.

with Mclane, J. , Diehm, C. (eds) , 2006, Interrogating ethics: Embodying good in Merleau-Ponty, Duquesne University Press, Pittsburgh.

, 2000a, Recursive incarnation and chiasmic flesh: Two readings of Paul Celan's "Chymisch", in F. Evans & L. Lawlor (eds.), Chiasms, Albany, SUNY Press, pp. n/a.