Netzwerk Phänomenologische Metaphysik

(2003) Human Studies 26 (2).

Alfred Schutz

transcendence, symbolic intersubjectivity, and moral value

Michael Stoltzfus

pp. 183-201

This article uses the writings of Alfred Schutz as catalysts to analyze three distinctive modes of transcendences operative in human experience. Particular attention is given to the role symbolic awareness plays in the formation and embodiment of moral value. I argue that Schutz's theory of symbols is helpful in illuminating the way shared horizons of value meaning and collective moral purpose can occur in relation to cultural and geographical anonymity. I then draw upon the moral theory of H. Richard Niebuhr to highlight the positive role that symbolic value horizons play in preventing ethnocentric world-views and in promoting common centers of discourse and visions of wholeness.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1023/A:1024060205347

Full citation:

Stoltzfus, M. (2003). Alfred Schutz: transcendence, symbolic intersubjectivity, and moral value. Human Studies 26 (2), pp. 183-201.

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