T. Cameron Wild

with Schopflocher, D. , Kuiken, D. , 1992, Positivist conceptions of induction and the rejection of classificatory methods in psychological research, in C. W. Tolman (ed.), Positivism in psychology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 47-56.

with Schopflocher, D. , Kuiken, D. , 1990, Identifying the properties of linguistically expressed experience: empirical induction or intuition of essences?, in M. E. Hyland, W. J. Baker, R. Van Hezewijk & S. J. S. Terwee (eds.), Recent trends in theoretical psychology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 177-183.

with Kuiken, D. , 1988a, Meaning horizon, paraphrase, and phenomenological investigations in psychology, in L. Mos (ed.), Recent trends in theoretical psychology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 189-198.