Ernesto Mayz Vallenilla

, 2003, Meta-technics as the philosophical expression of the new world, in G. Fløistad (ed.), Philosophy of Latin America, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 285-294.

, 1993, The present and future of humanity, in C. Mitcham (ed.), Philosophy of technology in Spanish speaking countries, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 249-258.

, 1969, Entwurf einer Ontologie der Erkenntnis, in L. Gabriel (Hrsg.), Sektionen I-IV, Freiburg-Basel-Wien, Herder, pp. 388-390.

, 1956a, Fenomenologia del conocimiento: El problema de la constitution del objeto en la filosofia de Husserl, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas.