Bruce Baugh

, 2018, 'From serial impotence to effective negation: Sartre and Marcuse on the conditions of possibility of revolution', Symposium 22 (1), 187-209.

, 2015, 'Private thinkers, untimely thoughts: Deleuze, Shestov and Fondane', Continental Philosophy Review 48 (3), 313-339.

, 2006, 'Let's get lost: from the death of the author to the disappearance of the reader', Symposium 10 (1), 223-232.

, 2003, French Hegel: from surrealism to postmodernism, Routledge, London.

, 1992a, 'Transcendental empiricism: Deleuze's response to Hegel', Man and World 25 (2), 133-148.