1572-851X (print)
Reflections on social theory
Vol. 1/1
Joseph Kockelmans
Of language, work, and things
Mildred Bakan
Habermas' purge of pure theory
Theodore Kisiel
Alfred Schutz and the social sciences
Frederick Kersten
Dewey's enduring vitality
Garry M. Brodsky
Waiting and unemployment
Dennis A. Robbins
Questioning the foundation of practical philosophy
Reiner Schürmann
Does anarchy make political sense?
Bernard Dauenhauer
Lebenswelt and lebensformen
Earl Taylor
Short reviews
Robert Innis
Between ideal type and surrender
Helmut R Wagner
A very brief commentary on Helmut R. Wagner's "Between ideal type and surrender"
Kurt Wolff
The deviousness of the dialectic
John Kirkland
A hermeneutical accent on the conduct of political inquiry
Hwa Yol Jung
Jonathan D. Moreno
Perception and dialectic
Eleanor M. Shapiro
The process of criticism in interpretive sociology and history
Stephen P. Turner , David Carr
Probability in the social sciences
William C. Gay
Talking identity
Stuart Hadden , Marilyn Lester
Frances Chaput Waksler
The claim of sound
Richard Palmer
Constitutive and mundane versions of labeling theory
Melvin Pollner
The politics of paradigms
Bennetta Jules-Rosette
An existential approach to society
Deena Weinstein , Michael Weinstein
Interpretive sociology
Arthur S. Parsons
Translating philosophy into sociology
Hugh J. Silverman
Capitulating to captions
Vol. 10/3-4
Vito Signorile
Marcel and Merleau-Ponty
Vol. 10/2
Sonia Kruks
World and/or sign
Briankle G. Chang
Scientific psychology and hermeneutical psychology
John D. Greenwood
Morality and writing in the baroque
Angel Medina
Misunderstanding and insight about Edith Stein's philosophy
John H. Nota
Is the view from nowhere going anywhere?
Paul G. Muscari
Habit and inhabitance
James Ostrow
Hannah Arendt
Alan Woolfolk
Foucault in memoriam (1926–1984)
Vol. 10/1
Fred Dallmayr, Gisela J. Hinkle
Democracy and post-modernism
Fred Dallmayr
Michel Foucault on power/discourse, theory and practice
Stephen Schneck
Ethical discourse and Foucault's conception of ethics
Mary Moore
Cultural identity and self-definition
Kai Nielsen
Desire and discourse in Foucault
Kenneth Colburn
Antifoundational thought and the sociology of knowledge
Susan Hekman
Norms and normalization
Margaret A. Paternek
Foucault's power/knowledge and american sociological theorizing
Gisela J. Hinkle
Foucault's anti-humanism
Roger Paden
Political animals and social animals as biologically meaningful categories
Vol. 11/1
Richard B. Carter
The dictates of method and policy
Vol. 11/2-3
Steven Yearley
Michael Lynch , Steve Woolgar
Explaining change in psychology
Vol. 11/4
Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon
The externalized retina
Michael Lynch
H. Jonas, The imperative of responsibility
Rockwell Gray
The fixation of (visual) evidence
K. Amann , K. Knorr Cetina
Time and documents in researcher interaction
Steve Woolgar
Every picture tells a story
Greg Myers
Against epistemology
James Valone
Lists, field guides, and the descriptive organization of seeing
John Law , Michael Lynch
Representing practice in cognitive science
Lucy A. Suchman
Following instructions
Ronald Amerine , Jack Bilmes
Ethical and logical analysis as human sciences
Lenore Langsdorf
Representation and the realist-constructivist controversy
Paul Tibbetts
The conventions of the senses
Harvey Sacks — lectures 1964–1965 an introduction/memoir
Vol. 12/3-4
Emanuel A. Schegloff
Harvey Sacks
Goffman's concept of the total institution
Vol. 12/1-2
Christie Davies
Stigma and conversational competence
Steven Yearley , John D. Brewer
"Turkish man you?"
Volker Hinnenkamp
Snapshots "sub specie aeternitatis'
Gregory W. Smith
Erving Goffman's sociology
Editor's introduction
George Psathas
M. Henry, Karl Marx
Vol. 13/2
James Bohman
Language, speech and writing
Vol. 13/4
George Free
Beyond the "limits" of mundane reason
David Bogen
C. Blackmore, S. Greenfield (eds), Mindwaves
S. G. Shanker
Rhythm in telephone closings
Peter Auer
Flesh and blood
Vol. 13/3
Drew Leder
Paul Ricoeur's methodological parallelism
Patricia Fleming
Odors and private language
Uri Almagor
Initiation in hermeneutics
Vivian Darroch-Lozowski
D. Kolb, The critique of pure modernity
Lawrence Cahoone
Anthropology on the boundary and the boundary in anthropology
Dan Martin
Husserl vs. Derrida
James M. Edie
Musical time as a practical accomplishment
Peter Weeks
"Unlearning to not speak"
Marianne A. Paget
On anonymity and speaking for our-selves
Vol. 13/1
Burke Thomason
E. Rochberg-Halton, Meaning and modernity
Lydia Goehr
The contexts of phenomenology as theory
Mary Jeanne Larrabee
R. H. Brown, Sociology as text
J. P. Ward
Applied ethnomethodology
James L. Heap
A clash of ideas
Graham Button
Time and unemployment
Maurice Roche
V. Darroch-Lozowski, Notebook of stone
Vol. 14/1
Wilshire's theory of the authentic self
Vol. 14/4
Quentin Smith
The micro-macro non-problem
Ben Agger
"Paramount reality" in Schutz and Gurwitsch
Vol. 14/2-3
Elizabeth Kassab
Multiple realities in Santayana's last puritan
Steven Vaitkus
Deconstructive politics
Pickling human geography
David Rehorick
A response to my critics
Towards a phenomenology of ethical expertise
Hubert L Dreyfus, Stuart E Dreyfus
Notes on the specification of "meaning" in Schutz
Lester Embree
Deconstructing institutions
John D Caputo
On the social relativity of truth and the analytic/synthetic distinction
U. T. Place
In memoriam
K. Soper, humanism and anti-humanism
Animal faith, puritanism, and the Schutz-Gurwitsch debate
Stanford M Lyman
A critical encounter with Fred Dallmayr
The ethics behind the absence of ethics in Alfred Schutz's thought
Michael Barber
The problem of communicating zen understanding
Richard Buttny , Thomas L. Isbell
The worldly self in Schutz
O. Sacks, Seeing voices
V. Signorile
George Psathas, Egon Bittner
Encountering Dallmayr
Peter Kivisto
The crisis in psychoanalysis
Marilyn Nissim-Sabat
Philosophy and politics
Dieter Misgeld
Reflections on the Schutz-Gurwitsch correspondence
Ludwig Landgrebe
Memories of my american life for my american children and children's children
Vol. 15/4
Herbert Spiegelberg
The use of "power'
Vol. 15/1
Aug Nishizaka
Civility before law
Patrick Pharo
The conversion of self in everyday life
Vol. 15/2-3
Andrew Travers
William Hamrick
Reading Goffman's framing as provocation of a discipline
Lawrence Hazelrigg
Charting the logical geography of the concept of "cease-fire"
Paul L. Jalbert
Local interactional production of the rational practice of consumption
Yutaka Kitazawa
A "clash of ideas" or an exercise in scholastic "misunderstanding'?
Some recollections of Herbert Spiegelberg
Self and others in "private language"
Shizuo Takiura
Herbert Spiegelberg remembrances
Don Ihde
Views and reviews
David Rehorick , Jim Ostrow
For the restoration of the private sphere
Hisashi Nasu
Schutz in Japan
Kazuhisa Nishihara
On privatization of meaning
Masataka Katagiri
The phenomenology of representational awareness
Introduction in memory of Herbert Spiegelberg 1904–1990
Landscape and the human being
Takeshi Yamagishi
In memory of Herbert Spiegelberg and the phenomenological workshops
Phenomenology and the human sciences in Japan
Psychological and spiritual freedoms
Vol. 16/3
Leslie A. Todres
The other is my hell; the other is my home
Vol. 16/1-2
Kuang-Ming Wu
Hard choices
Eric Cohen , Eyal Ben-Ari
About survival and sociology
The politics of the gaze
Vol. 16/4
Nick Crossley
Eurocentric elements in the idea of "surrender-and-catch"
Seungsook Moon
Respecting children's voices
Maureen Connolly
Surrendering and catching in poetry and sociology
John Ward
The phenomenal world of Kurt H. Wolff
Irving Horowitz
In other words
Stephen A. Tyler
Jane Flax
Tradition, modernity, and confucianism
The cannibals, the ancients, and cultural critique
Zhang Longxi
Authentic selfhood in Heidegger and Rosenzweig
Richard Cohen
L'affaire Heidegger
Norman K. Swazo
Confucianism as political philosophy
The veil of black
Kimberly W. Benston
Truth and the humanities
Erazim Kohák
From "primitive art" to "memoriae loci"
V. Y. Mudimbe
Michel Foucault's archaeology, enlightenment, and critique
Michael Mahon
Moral voices, moral selves
The confirmation of critical theory
Equality and justice in education
Betty A. Weitz
The question of Derrida's women
Jennifer Thomas
Premeditation and happenstance
Lena Jayyusi
A first response to the preceding essays
Thinking the thought of that which is strictly speaking unthinkable
William Haver
The foundations of Merleau-Ponty's ethical theory
Vol. 17/2
Douglas Low
A blank sheet of paper
Vol. 17/1
Ian Angus
Method and phenomenological research
Calvin Schrag, Ramsey Eric Ramsey
Capta versus data
Richard L Lanigan
Phrasing, linking, judging
Andrew R. Smith
Critique of ideology
Vol. 17/4
A. T. Nuyen
I. Marion Young, Throwing like a girl and other essays in feminist philosophy and social theory response and commentary
Homelessness and the homeless movement
Anthony Steinbock
The materialist mentality revisited
Berel Lerner
Postmodern tendencies in the sociology of Luhmann
Vol. 17/3
Gila J. Hayim
Making sense
David Michael Levin
Children's perspectives of the family
Roberta A. Davilla , Judy C. Pearson
On the narratives of science
Daniel Videla
The question of the subject
David Carr
Hermeneutics and symbolic interactionism
Kieran Bonner
Goffman's attitude and social analysis
N. G. Hartland
Being human, more or less
The complexity of bodily feeling
Jerald Wallulis
Academic dispute or clash of commitments?
William J. Buxton
Why phenomenology in communication research?
I. M. Young, Throwing like a girl and other essays in feminist philosophy and social theory
Gail Weiss
A place for emotion in critical study
John Cogan
"I like to watch"
The micro-politics of identity formation in the workplace
Stanley A. Deetz
Postmodern feminist reflections on reading Wolff
Critical ethnography and subjective experience
Michael Huspek
Appreciating phenomenology and feminism
Kristin M. Langellier
Knowing and being
Kenneth Liberman
Human nature in a postmodern world
Lawrence Hatab
Signifying harassment
Vol. 18/1
Andrew R. Smith , Jacqueline Martinez
Phenomenology, physical education, and special populations
"Mother is not holding competely respect"
Keith Doubt , Maureen Leonard , Laura Muhlenbruck , Sherry Teerlinck , Dana Vinyard
Thoughtful incoherence
Vol. 18/4
David Rehorick , Gail Taylor
Commentary II
Elizabeth Behnke
Instructed actions in, of and as molecular biology
Vol. 18/2-3
Michael Lynch , Kathleen Jordan
Outside the subject
Alfred Tauber
The lived experience of disability
S Kay Toombs
Ethnomethodology and the institutional context
Tony Hak
"Talk and social structure" and "studies of work"
Garfinkel's recovery of themes in classical sociology
Richard A. Hilbert
Intersubjectivity as a practical matter and a problematic achievement
Treating method and form as phenomena
Art in the light of phenomenology
Walter Biemel
The phenomenology of "doing" phenomenology
Francine H. Hultgren
The time of trauma
Medical ethnomethodology
Paul ten Have
Commentary I
Ronald Silvers
Commentary III
Valerie Malhotra Bentz
Accounting for achievement in parent-teacher interviews
Carolyn Baker , Jayne Keogh
The Sacks lectures
Jeff Coulter
The interactive constitution of interculturality
About o loma!
Vol. 19/3
Lebenswelt structures of Galilean physics
Vol. 19/4
Dušan I. Bjelic
Vol. 19/2
David Jopling
Understanding the representational mind
Eduard Marbach
M. Paget, A complex sorrow
Maureen Conolly
Getting back into no place
Thomas Brockelman
Between the subject and sociology
Timothy M. Costelloe
O loma!
Joy Gordon
H. Atlan, Enlightenment to enlightenment
Paul Virilio and the articulation of post-reality
Marc Hanes
Insomnia and the (t)error of lost foundation in postmodernism
Vol. 19/1
Peter McHugh
The taken-for-granted world
Pablo Hermida-Lazcano
Criticism and conversational texts
Rob Anderson , Kenneth N. Cissna
Splitting the difference
The experience of spatiality for congenitally blind people
Gunnar Karlsson
Surrender after Auschwitz?
Gwenn C. Eylath
How to do things with things
Jürgen Streeck
Synchrony lost, synchrony regained
Embracing lococentrism
Edward Casey
Humour in conversation
The discovery of situated worlds
Douglas Macbeth
O loma! in context
Toward a phenomenology of attention
Sven Arvidson
"Universal reason" as a local organizational method
Grounding agency in depth
Helen Fielding
An empirical-phenomenological critique of the social construction of infancy
Maxine Sheets-Johnstone
The vocation of Kurt H. Wolff
Jonathan Imber
A rejoinder, which turns out to be loma or the good society
"Now I can go on"
John Shotter
Vol. 2/1
Edward G. Armstrong
The brain as agent
Schutz on transcendental intersubjectivity in Husserl
Peter J. Carrington
Scientific and common sense reasoning
Donelson R. Forsyth
Time and communal life, an applied phenomenology
John R. Hall
Work and authority in Marcuse and Habermas
The normative structure of critical theory
Ellsworth Fuhrman
On introducing phenomenology
William McBride
The nature of the dialogue
John A. Friedman
Charles M. Sherover
Jürgen Habermas
René Görtzen , Frederik Gelder
The limits of reason and some limitations of Weber's morality
Regis A. Factor , Stephen P. Turner
Helmut R Wagner, John Sallis
In search of pure experience
Unanticipated topic continuations
Albert Adato
A further investigation of the life-world
Thomas Meisenhelder
Short review
Human acts, the relevancy matrix, and systems of relevancy
Sherman M Stanage
Phenomenology in middle age
Alphonso Lingis
Reasons, rules and the ring of experience
Richard McDermott
The social distribution of knowledge in formal organizations
Roger Jehenson
Describing a national crisis
Beng-Huat Chua
Pluralism, indeterminacy and the social sciences
Vol. 20/4
Interpretation and social science
Johanna Meehan
Dissipating illusions
Vol. 20/2
Eldon Wait
Back to the things themselves
The phenomenology of telephone space
Gary Backhaus
Ghost gestures
J. Callahan, Reproduction, ethics, and the law
Anne Donchin
Dialogic or dialogistic? dialogicity or dialogism?
Vol. 20/1
Matti Itkonen
Theorizing practice
Vol. 20/3
Time and a theory of the visible
Andy Pickering
Ethnomethodology without indifference
Stuffed cabbage in the old new school cafeteria
Bodies telling stories and stories telling bodies
Gary Kielhofner , Trudy Mallinson
Why practice does not make perfect
Steve Fuller
The embodied chiasmic relationship of mother and infant
Francine Wynn
Built space and the interactional framing of experience during a murder interrogation
Curtis D. Lebaron , Jürgen Streeck
D. Good, a world without words
American ethnophobia, e.g., irish-american, in phenomenological perspective
Bad practices
Stephen P. Turner
What readers read in a world without words
David Goode
Beyond postmodernism
Louis Herman
Explanation and understanding revisited
David Ingram
The morality of the social
G. Mazis, emotion and embodiment
Bruce Wilshire
The birth of difference
Christina Schües
A world without words and the world with words
Pragmatism, neopragmatism, and phenomenology
World, emptiness, nothingness
Klaus Held
The miracle of being
Paul Brockelman
Honoring bodies, seeking children
Constructing an academic book review
Karen Tracy
Kurosawa's existential masterpiece
Jeffrey Gordon
Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Rudolf Laban
Maureen Connolly, Anna Lathrop
Responsibility and the crisis of technological civilization
Vol. 21/4
Ullrich Melle
The politics of emancipation
Vol. 21/1
J. Margolis, The flux of history and the flux of science
Linda Wiener
R. Bogue, M. Spariosu, The play of the self
Kenneth H. Tucker
Language and the social roots of conscience
Vol. 21/2
Frank Schalow
Calvin Schrag, The self after postmodernity
Patricia Huntington
A. Lingis, Sensation
Raj Thiruvengadam
Insider / outsider
Alison I. Griffith
Vol. 21/3
David Rasmussen
A. Steinbock, Home and beyond
Steven Crowell
Producing "what the deans know"
Liza McCoy
Articulating the hard choices
On Zaner's methods for becoming an ethicist
"There are clear delusions"
A response to friends
"Like faintly shifting leaves..."
Victor Kestenbaum
The symposium
Zali Gurevitch
History-making and the skills of world-disclosing
James Jasinski
Rhetoric and double hermeneutics in the human sciences
Dimitri Ginev
Strategically speaking
Leslie J. Miller , Jana Metcalfe
Phenomenological analysis and its contemporary significance
Ilja Srubar
E. D. McCarthy, Knowledge as culture
Brian Longhurst
The theory of international politics?
Keith Topper
Feminist organizing and the politics of inclusion
Kamini Maraj Grahame
Alfred Schutz
Maurice Natanson
Prejudice and its vicissitudes
Jon Mills
Friend of the universe
Graeme Nicholson
A. G. Düttmann, At odds with aids
Paul Honneres
In response
Richard Zaner
A. Flew, thinking about social thinking
John Francis Burke
W. A. Beach, Conversations about illness
Phillip J. Glenn
How can ethnomethodology be Heideggerian?
Alec Mchoul
N. Luhmann, Social systems
Karen A. Callaghan
Anatomy of a clinical ethics consultation
Vol. 22/1
Barry Hoffmaster
Do the right thing!
Vol. 22/2-4
Wes Sharrock , Graham Button
Habermasian critical social theory as antidote?
Paul Kamolnick
Silence in context
From desire to power
Rosalyn Diprose
"You're all a bunch of feminists"
Peter Eglin , Stephen Hester
Studying the organization in action
The accountability of hand-drawn maps and rendering practices
Introduction to grammar and interaction papers
Space, time and documents in a refrigerated warehouse
Yasuko Kawatoko
Grammar and social interaction in Japanese and Anglo-american English
Hiroko Tanaka
Tomoyo Takagi
Phrasal unit boundaries and organization of turns and sequences in korean conversation
Kyu-Hyun Kim
Well I may be exaggerating but self-qualifying clauses in negotiation of opinions among japanese speakers
Junko Mori
Where grammar and interaction meet
Makoto Hayashi
Introductory remarks
Ethics talk; talking ethics
Mark J. Bliton
Strange, but not stranger
Mark J. Bliton , Stuart Finder
Discourse and mind
Health care ethics consultation
Françoise Baylis
Doing interpreting within interaction
Ethics consultant
Tom Tomlinson
Ethnomethodology and the Rashomon problem
Hideo Hama
Alfred Schutz and economics as a social science
Vol. 23/3
Allen Oakley
Philosophy's real-world consequences for deaf people
Ernst Thoutenhoofd
Using applied conversation analysis to teach novice dietitians history taking skills
Linda Tapsell
Redemption, reconciliation
Vol. 23/4
J.M. Fritzman
Feminist politics in postmodernity
Mary Vavrus
The making and unmaking of modernity
Vol. 23/1
Andrew Cutrofello
Feminist epistemology revisited
Ann Ferguson
The circular structure of power
Paul Fairfield
Absolute difference and social ontology
Simon Lumsden
F. C. Waksler, Little trials of childhood
Patricia Adler , Peter Adler
The Berlin wall on the therapist's couch
Vol. 23/2
Christine Leuenberger
Objectivity from subjectivity
William Wilkerson
The sequential production of social acts in conversation
Wolfgang Schneider
Living a lie
Jeff Mitchell
The spectacle of history
Marxist axioms as self-contradictory parsonian statements in sociology
Jan Ajzner
Response to James Swindal and Bill Martin on reason, history, and politics
New threats for freedom
J. Swindal
Facilitating 'perspectival reciprocity' in medication
Calvin Smith
Writing as transformation
Cultivating ethos through the body
Seamus Carey
The role of contexts in understanding and explanation
Mark Bevir
Charlotte Bloch
Hearing silence
Karen Ashcroft
The social construction of equality in everyday life
Scott R. Harris
Loss, healing, and the power of place
Helen M. Cox , Colin A. Holmes
Conversations, conferences, and the practice of intellectual discussion
Gary Radford
Community, modernity, legitimation
Bill Martin
Primal ground
Vol. 24/4
Edward F. Mooney
V. M Bentz, J. J. Shapiro, Mindful inquiry in social research
Vol. 24/3
Hwa Yol Jung, Rethinking political theory
Ethics of ambiguity and irony
Vol. 24/1-2
Honglim Ryu
Postmodernism in the post-confucian context
Chaibong Hahm
Doing philosophy in the age of globalization ("mondialization")
Transversal-universals in discourse ethics
Seonghwa Lee
The political philosophy of intersubjectivity and the logic of discourse
Pyung-Joong Yoon
Phenomenology of digital-being
Joohan Kim
Reflexivity and interpretive sociology
Kieran M. Bonner
Modernization and the rise of civil society
San-Jin Han
Feminism and the discourse of sexuality in Korea
Young-Hee Shim
Propelled by the force of memory
Ji-Moon Suh
I feel I am
Membership categories and time appraisal in interviews with family caregivers of disabled elderly
Isabella Paoletti
Fact and the narratives of war
Kevin McKenzie
Phenomenologies of culture and ethics
Vol. 25/1
The retentional and the repressed
Vol. 25/2
Talia Welsh
Ethnomethodology's unofficial journal
Vol. 25/4
Transcendental subjectivity and metaphysics
Dan Zahavi
The path to human studies
Answering the question, "what remains of enlightenment"?
Vol. 25/3
Emmanuel C. Eze
On the "human" of human studies
I/human studies
Marc J. LaFountain
An enlightened madness
Jeffrey Powell
A stroll with Alfred Schutz
Is the human race constantly progressing?
Human studies and philosophy
P. J. Huntingdon, Ecstatic subjects, utopia, and recognition
Mechthild Nagel
Foucault's enlightened reaction
Benjamin S. Pryor
The enlightenment promise and its remains
Matthias Fritsch
Enlightenment and the question of the other
Clock-time or lived time?
Foucault and the critical tradition
Kory P. Schaff
Human studies for a japanese sociologist
Response to Drummond and Zahavi
On editing and human studies
How does the body get into the mind?
Wolff-Michael Roth , Daniel V. Lawless
Performative error-correction in music
Advancing the dialogue
Accidents and nostalgia
Making music together while growing older
From playing child to aging mentor
Beginning, continuation, and future
Seeking intersubjective insight
Simone Chambers
A random stroll
Stressed embodiment
Maureen Connolly, Tom Craig
Discourse as care
A Rey, Anton Corey
Hobbes, Rousseau, and the "gift" in interpersonal relationships
Nathan Miczo
The critical potential of discourse ethics
William Rehg
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
On visibility and power
Neve Gordon
Paradox or contradiction?
John Drummond
Thoughts on William Rehg's insight and solidarity
D. Bogen, Order without rules
James J. Chriss
Vestiges found
Ramsey Eric Ramsey
Time, death, and history in Simmel and Heidegger
Vol. 26/2
John E Jalbert
Michael Stoltzfus
Kurt H. Wolff
Vol. 26/3
Michael d. Barber, Equality and diversity, phenomenological investigations of prejudice and discrimination
Simmel's four components of historical science
Richard Owsley , Gary Backhaus
Human universals and understanding a different socioculture
Vol. 26/1
Theodore Schatzki
The symbol and the theory of the life-world
Jochen Dreher
Unfair distribution of resources in Africa
Gail M. Presbey
On humans and environment
Vol. 26/4
Jerry Williams , Shaun Parkman
The rational choice approach to human studies
Milan Zafirovski
Ethnomethodology as radical sociology
Tim Berard
John Searle and Pierre Bourdieu
Iordanis Marcoulatos
T. Glazebrook, Heidegger's philosophy of science
Vincenzo Crupi
Ethnomethodology and disability studies
D. Applebaum, The stop; Disruption; The delay of the heart; Voice
Writing my approach to the world
Child's play
A life
Johannes Mohr
Vindication of the human and social science of Kurt H. wolff
Merleau-Pontian phenomenology as non-conventionally utopian
Greg Johnson
Discursive psychology and the "new racism"
Simmel's philosophy of history and its relation to phenomenology
Rethinking cognition
Jonathan Potter , Derek Edwards
Husserlian affinities in Simmel's philosophy of history
A richly woven tale
Vol. 27/3
Lisbeth Frolunde , Thomas Moser
Culture and social structure
Vol. 27/2
M. Kasapoğlu , Mehmet C. Ecevit
Stanley Raffel
Herbert Spiegelberg and Alfred Schutz
Marek Chojnacki
Depicting a liminal position in ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis
Vol. 27/1
Maria T. Wowk , Andrew Carlin
Dissymmetry and height
Gary Peters
The wonder of phenomenology
Evan Selinger
Merleau-Ponty and epistemology engines
Vol. 27/4
Don Ihde, Evan Selinger
Consociated contemporaries as an emergent realm of the lifeworld
Shanyang Zhao
A problem in Schutz's theory of the historical sciences with an illustration from the women's liberation movement
The implicit assumptions of dividing a cake
Marianna Papastephanou
The spectacular showing
Eric Laurier
The discipline of the "norm
Schutz's reflections on the social relationship between the author and beholder of literary works
Christopher Prendergast
A moment of unconditional validity?
Husserl and the penetrability of the transcendental and mundane spheres
Robert Arp
Ricoeur's account of tradition and the Gadamer–Habermas debate
Robert Piercey
Pragmatism, artificial intelligence, and posthuman bioethics
Jerold J. Abrams
What is "discursive psychology"?
Challenging the conventional wisdom
Alfred Schutz's influence on American sociologists and sociology
Gadamer and the otherness of nature
Vol. 28/2
Mauro Grün
Studies of work
John Rooke , David Seymour
The corporeal order of things
Kurt Dauer Keller
The atomistic self versus the holistic self in structural relation to the other
Vol. 28/4
Simon Glynn
The baroque formulation of consciousness
Vol. 28/1
From nature to culture?
Christian Lotz
Power, freedom, and individuality
Miri Rozmarin
Understanding narratively, understanding alterity
Philip Lewin
"Another insistence of man"
Vol. 28/3
Matthew Calarco
Editor's note
The group home workplace and the work of know-how
Jack Levinson
Shared being, old promises, and the just necessity of affirmative action
Revolutionary becomings
Valentine Moulard
Analogues of ourselves
The whole truth and nothing but the truth
Robb Eason
Taking pictures of Jesus
Edward Berryman
How is the other approached and conceptualized in terms of Schutz's constitutive phenomenology of the natural attitude?1
Experience and the environment
Benjamin Hale
Belief, apparitions, and rationality
Disputed bodies
Srikanth Mallavarapu
Enacted others
Habermas and the unfinished project of democracy
Technological other/quasi other
Stacey O'Neal Irwin
Accountably other
Anne Warfield Rawls, Gary David
Using Wittgenstein to respecify constructivism
David Francis
The meaning of appearance in surviving breast cancer
Ozum Ucok
Forms of collective action
Esther González-Martínez
Aspects of aspects
Science as erotic service
Robert P. Crease
Walking on two legs
Femininity and masculinity in city-form
Vol. 29/2
Abraham Akkerman
Dr. mom?
Vol. 29/1
Hervé Varenne , Mary E. Cotter
Parsing narrative – story, history, life
Vol. 29/4
Richard Kearney
Phenomenology-friendly neuroscience
Ralph Ellis
On the meaning of screens
Lucas D. Introna , Fernando M. Ilharco
Inventions of History
The body as a permanent but mutable address
Suzanne M. Jaeger
Kenneth Liberman on Tibetan Debating Practice
Vol. 29/3
On the history of science
Jesus H. Aguilar
B. Foltz and R. Frodeman (eds.), Rethinking Nature
Brian Schroeder
Response to Casey, Crowell and Kearney
David Carr on history, time, and place
Phenomenology and rigid dualisms
Lessons in conversation
James Risser
The phenomenon of vulnerability in clinical encounters
Book review
Leonard Lawlor
Philosophy and reflection
Puttings things into words
Stefan Hirschauer
The work of David Carr
Margret Grebowicz
Appresentation and simultaneity
Joachim Renn
G. Vattimo, Nihilism and Emancipation
Silvia Benso
Knowledge on the horizon
Ian Gerrie
Political screenings as trials of strength
Zdeněk Konopásek , Zuzana Kusá
D. Ihde, E. Selinger (eds.), Chasing technoscience
Robert Rosenberger
The practical work of <coding>
Brandon Olszewski , Deborah Macey , Lauren Lindstrom
Response to Dallmayr
P. Walsh, Skepticism, modernity and critical theory
Sudarsan Padmanabhan
Politics of nature
Casper Bruun Jensen
Psychotherapy's philosophical values
Hakam Al-Shawi
"Ethics wars"
Klaus Hoeyer
C. Gould, Marx's social ontology
Vol. 3/1
Joseph Bien
Ultimate self-responsibility, practical reasoning, and practical action
Ethnomethodological studies
Putting ourselves into the place of others
Description in ethnomethodology
Schutz's theory of relevance
Observation, esoteric knowledge, and automobiles
Wes Sharrock , Roy Turner
The pythagorean comma
Throwing like a girl
Iris Marion Young
Glen Mazis
Reflections on Parsons' "1974 retrospective perspective" on alfred Schutz
H. Arendt, The life of the mind
"Occasionality" as a constituent feature of the known-in-common character of topics
The other minds problem in early Heidegger
Harrison Hall
Ambiguity and gratuitous concurrence in inter-cultural communication
Ken Liberman
Mastery and sexuality
James Ogilvy
Schutz and Parsons
Methodology is where human scientists and philosophers can meet
Talcott Parsons and the phenomenological tradition in sociology
Husserl and Wittgenstein on the "mental picture theory of meaning"
Harry P Reeder
Betweeen theory and practice
S. Kessler, W. McKenna, Gender
Jeffner Allen
Parsons' contributions to sociological theory
Heidegger on intersubjectivity
Voluntarism and structural-functionalism in Parsons' early work
Ian Procter
The issue of human subjectivity in sociological explanation
Approaches to the study of the world of everyday life
Lebenswelt origins of the sciences
Vol. 30/1
On the value of phenomenology across disciplines and traditions,
Vol. 30/3
Robyn R. Gaier
Justice and reconciliation
Vol. 30/4
Amy Allen
Taking political science seriously
Sanford F. Schram
Bearing Witness to Injustice
Kitzinger's feminist conversation analysis
Vol. 30/2
Maria T. Wowk
Decarceration and the philosophies of mass imprisonment
Jeffrey Paris
Accomplishing meaning in a stratified world
Joaquin Trujillo
Understanding evil acts
Paul Formosa
Harold Garfinkel, Kenneth Liberman
On the significance of William James to a contemporary doctrine of evolutionary psychology
Jean Suplizio
The Prison Contract and Surplus Punishment
Eduardo Mendieta
Cognitive theory and phenomenology in Arendt's and Nussbaum's work on narrative
Veronica Vasterling
Harold Garfinkel
That which "has no name in philosophy"
Daphna Erdinast-Vulcan
Sociologizing metaphysics and mind
Osmo Kivinen , Tero Piiroinen
Enrolling the citizen in sustainability
Jennifer Summerville , Barbara Adkins
J. Afary, K. Anderson, Foucault and the Iranian revolution in context
Babak Elahi
Humanizing the understanding of the acculturation experience with phenomenology
Jennifer A. Skuza
Some lived experiences of the 60s generation of social theorists,
Charles Crothers
Thing theory
Nigel Clark
Technology and intimacy in the philosophy of Georges Bataille
Alessandro Tomasi
Event and process
Thomas Scheffer
Towards a phenomenological theory of violence
Michael Staudigl
Hand touching hand
Phenomenology and the third generation of cognitive science
Shoji Nagataki, Satoru Hirose
Vol. 31/1
Cathrine Hasse
S. Turkle, Evocative Objects
Vol. 31/4
Graham Harman
E. Selinger (ed), Postphenomenology
John R. Dakers
Does microcredit "empower"?
The phenomenal field
Vol. 31/3
Giolo Fele
A continuing dialogue with Alfred Schutz
Vol. 31/2
Understanding the subjective point of view
Wing-Chung Ho
The transcendence and non-discursivity of the lifeworld
Demonstrating "reasonable fear" at trial
Stacy Lee Burns
De-ontologizing the debate on social explanations
Jeroen Bouwel , Erik Weber
Cheryl L. Nicholas
Marramao's kairós
Diabetes, chronic illness and the bodily roots of ecstatic temporality
David Morris
Larry Wieder
Sandra Ragan
The task of dialectical thinking in the age of one-dimensionality
Arnold Farr
Larry Wieder's radical ethno-inquiries
Obstetric ultrasound and the technological mediation of morality
Peter-Paul Verbeek
Perceiving other planets
Ambiguous individuality
Olli Pyyhtinen
J. Dodd, Crisis and Reflection
The alienating mirror
Richard A. Lynch
The human condition and the gift
A Schutzian perspective on the phenomenology of law in the context of positivistic practices
Ion Copoeru
The foundation of an interpretative sociology
Christian Etzrodt
In memoriam Larry Wieder (1938–2006)
Response to Kenneth Liberman
James Dodd
Developing feminist conversation analysis
Celia Kitzinger
P.-P. Verbeek, What things do
Vol. 32/2
Andrew Feenberg
From assigning to designing technological agency
Katinka Waelbers
Phenomenology of friendship
Vol. 32/4
Theorizing politics after camus
Vol. 32/1
Christopher C. Robinson
Quo vadis? Quine's web, Kuhn's revolutions, and Baert's "way forward",
Vol. 32/3
Paul A. Roth
Attunement in the modern age
Janko M. Lozar
The role of Umwelt in Husserl's Aufbau and Abbau of the natur/geist distinction
Adam Konopka
D. Benatar, Better never to have been
Chris Kaposy
Typification in society and social science
Kwang-ki Kim , Tim Berard
Doing justice and demonstrating fairness in small claims arbitration
Foucault and Derrida
Antonio Calcagno
The experiences of guilt and shame
Gunnar Karlsson, Lennart Gustav Sjöberg
Can there be a pragmatist philosophy of social science?
Let's make things better
From experimental interaction to the brain as the epistemic object of neurobiology
Gesa Lindemann
Practical hermeneutics
Esa Lehtinen
What things still don't do
David Kaplan
Video recording practices and the reflexive constitution of the interactional order
Lorenza Mondada
Risky subjectivity
Anna Mudde
Discerning the relations between conversation and cognition,
Ben Matthews
The phenomenology of falling ill
Fredrik Svenaeus
How does it feel to be a star?
Scott R. Harris , Kerry O. Ferris
What is phenomenological sociology again?
Greg Bird
Research with a purpose
Patrick Baert
Towards a truly pragmatic philosophy of social science
Brendan Hogan
On the division between reason and unreason in Kant
Motohide Saji
Pluralism, pragmatism and self-knowledge,
Case dismissed
Vol. 33/2-3
Jay Julilen
Death and the evolution of language
Vol. 33/4
Luca Berta
S. Kozel, Closer
Vol. 33/1
Megan Craig
A. Johnston, Badiou, Žižek, and political transformations
Geoff Pfeifer
J. & K. Aho, Body matters
Gesine Hearn
Teaching, learning, describing, and judging via Wittgensteinian rules
Domenic F. Berducci
Peter McHugh's late work
An unholistic alliance
Robert Stolorow
Problems and mysteries
H. Garfinkel, Toward a sociological theory of information
James Aho
Coffee, connoisseurship, and an ethnomethodologically-informed sociology of taste
John Manzo
A video life-world approach to consultation practice
Jane Bickerton , Sue Procter , Barbara Johnson , Angel Medina
The soul
Shai Frogel
Postphenomenology, embodiment and technics,
Helena De Preester
Re-thinking the human
Gavin Rae
Revisiting the concept of time
James Gilbert-Walsh
Santa or the grinch
Terry Moellinger
What is special about body based reference frame?
Neha Khetrapal
Somatic apprehension and imaginative abstraction
The anomalous foundations of dream telling
Peter McHugh 1929–2010
Alan Blum
The phenomenological life-world analysis and the methodology of the social sciences
Thomas S Eberle
R. Sokolowski, Phenomenology of the human person
Hans Pedersen
Peter McHugh and analysis
A respectful world
Susan Bredlau
Can pragmatists be institutionalists?
Shane J. Ralston
"My attitude made me do it"
Mark Vuuren , François Cooren
Designing an opinion for its (local) context
Eric Hauser
F. Evans, The multivoiced body
Andrea Pitts
L. Zuidervaart, Social philosophy after Adorno
Andrew Fagan
Honoring (recollecting) our memory of Peter McHugh as social theorist
Kenneth Colburn , Mary C. Moore
Patrick Colfer
Studying sociology with Peter McHugh
David A. Lynes
B. Sandmeyer, Husserl's constitutive phenomenology
Some thoughts about the early academic years
Carl Weinberg
S. Nuccetelli, O. Schutte, O. Bueno (eds.): A companion to Latin American philosophy
Vol. 34/3
Elena Ruíz-Aho
R. Capobianco, Engaging Heidegger
Vol. 34/2
William Koch
Understanding each other
Embodied domestics, embodied politics
Vol. 34/1
Kirsten Jacobson
M. Flaherty, The textures of time
Medicalized psychiatry and the talking cure
Kevin Aho, Charles Guignon
Empirical race psychology and the hermeneutics of epistemological violence
Thomas Teo
The study of formulations as a key to an interactional semantics
Arnulf Deppermann
Subjects without a world?
Lisa Guenther
Occasioned semantics
Jack Bilmes
Values, knowledge and solidarity
Vol. 34/4
Spiros Gangas
On Latour's social theory and theory of society, and his contribution to saving the world
From demonization of the masses to democratic practice in the work of Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Foucault
Jill Hargis
Lesson plans and the contingency of classroom interactions
Yo-An Lee , Akihiko Takahashi
Habermas on understanding
Kyung-Man Kim
Animated bodies in immunological practices
Daniel Bischur
On "interactional semantics" and problems of meaning
Douglas W. Maynard
Crossing the finite provinces of meaning. experience and metaphor
Gerd Sebald
G. Simmel, The view of life
Richard Swedberg
P. Sheil, Kierkegaard and Levinas
Adam Buben
The sociology of knowledge approach to discourse (SKAD)
Reiner Keller
R. Pippin, Hegel on self-consciousness
Trip Glazer
Interobjectivity and interactivity
Herbert Kalthoff , Tobias Roehl
Structure and agency in scholarly formulations of racism
D. Ivison (ed): The Ashgate research companion to multiculturalism
Ella Schmidt
F. Dallmayr, Integral pluralism
Megan Altman
L. Bryant, N. Srnicek, G. Harman (eds), The speculative turn
Vol. 35/3
Foucault and the subject of stoic existence
Vol. 35/4
Brian Seitz
Revisiting the cultural dope
Vol. 35/2
The historicity of the a priori
Vol. 35/1
Rod Watson , Andrew Carlin
A. Richert, Integrating existential and narrative therapy
Mary McDonald
Continuous grey scales versus sharp contrasts
Mauro Turrini
Harold Garfinkel, 29 october 1917–21 april 2011
Early glimmers of the now familiar ethnomethodological themes in Garfinkel's "the perception of the other"
Timothy Koschmann
American Heideggers … and Heidegger,
Robert Scharff
Oskar Lindwall , Anna Ekström
Categorial occasionality and transformation
Sally Hester , Stephen Hester
A phenomenology of emotional trauma
Gretchen Gusich
The way from the ideal of science
Dreyfus and Haugeland on Heidegger and authenticity
Tobias Henschen
Exploring Habermas's critical engagement with Chomsky
Talking the talk
Cade Bushnell
Is there any good reason to say goodbye to "ethnomethodology"?
Louis Quéré
Phenomenological life-world analysis and ethnomethodology's program
Suspending belief and suspending doubt
Nicolas J. Zaunbrecher
The being, the origin and the becoming of man
Kasper Lysemose
Some memories of Harold Garfinkel
T. Eagleton, Trouble with strangers
Elizabeth K. Minnich
Martin Endreß, George Psathas
Some notes on the play of basketball in its circumstantial detail, and an introduction to their occasion
Semantic drift in conversations
Short editorial introduction
Ronnie Lippens , James Hardie-Bick
Control over emergence
Ronnie Lippens
N. de Warren: Husserl and the promise of time
An intellectual remembrance of Harold Garfinkel
Transcendence, symbolic immortality and evil
James Hardie-Bick
The solicitation of the trap
Steve Hall
From arbiter to omnivore
Tony Kearon
F. Grammont, D. Legrand, and P. Livet (eds), Naturalizing intention in action
Brian W. Dunst
Lifting the mantle of protection from weber's presuppositions in his theory of bureaucracy
Graham Button , David Martin , Jacki O’Neill , Tommaso Colombino
Existential transcendence in late modernity
Stephen Lyng
The ultramodern condition
Bruce A. Arrigo
Garfinkel stories
Moods and appraisals
Vol. 36/4
Andreas Elpidorou
M. Laffan and M. Weiss (eds.), Facing fear
Vol. 36/1
Vol. 36/2
Yochai Ataria , Yuval Neria
A. Noë, Varieties of presence
Vol. 36/3
Kaija Mortensen
H.-H. Gander, N. Godschmidt, U. Dathe (eds.), Phänomenologie und die ordnung der wirtschaft
Radu Cristescu
Neuroscience as a human science
Science and life-world
Lucia Ruggerone
Body techniques of vulnerability
Lars Alberth
Overcoming philosophy
B. Grünewald, Geist–kultur–gesellschaft
Andrea Staiti
Phenomenological sociology reconsidered
Martin Endreß, Benjamin Rampp
Yaacov Yadgar
Violence and shattered trust
Martin Endreß, Andrea Pabst
Critical psychology, philosophy, and social therapy
Lois Holzman
Ethnomethodological and hermeneutic-phenomenological perspectives on scientific practices
"When i was young"
Andreas Göttlich
What does (not) count as violence
Burkhard Liebsch
Trust and confidence
Christian Morgner
N. Friesen, The place of the classroom and the space of the screen
Assessing the realization of intention
Gustav Lymer
Violence and selfhood
James Mensch
Restructuring attentionality and intentionality
Towards a relational phenomenology of violence
H. Y. Jung, Transversal rationality and intercultural texts
Jin Y. Park
Fallibility and insight in moral judgment
John Kaag
Remarks on violence and intersubjectivity
Tobias Roehl , Herbert Kalthoff
Edmund Husserl in Talcott Parsons
Mitsuhiro Tada
Alfred Schutz' theory of communicative action
Hubert Knoblauch
Heidegger and Foucault
Aret Karademir
Constructing and understanding an incident as a social problem
Chihaya Kusayanagi
Bourdieu and Derrida on gift
Camil Ungureanu
Reflection and text
Wenjing Cai
R. Collins, Violence
Calvin Schrag
The continuous model of culture
Giorgi Kankava
Fleshing out Heidegger's mitsein
Vol. 37/1
Universality, particularity, and potentiality
Amnon Marom
In search of collective experience and meaning
Vol. 37/4
Gabriel Henriques
M. Coeckelbergh, Human being @ risk
Pieter Lemmens
Interpretive phenomenological analysis (ipa) and the ethics of body and place
Stuart J. Murray , Dave Holmes
Foucault on the care of the self as an ethical project and a spiritual goal
Richard White
R. Stolorow, World, affectivity, trauma, Heidegger and post-cartesian psychoanalysis
Vol. 37/2
Anthony Fernandez
Epistemological misgivings of Karen Barad's "posthumanism'
Chris Calvert-Minor
The philosophical roots of Donna Haraway's cyborg imagery
Josephine A. Seguna
R. Scharff, How history matters to philosophy
Lee Braver
Crime as the limit of culture
Sergio Tonkonoff
Alfred Schutz's postulates of social science
Jonathan Tuckett
Blurry humanism
Between pragmatism and critical theory
Roberto Frega
Circulating in places and the spatial order of everyday life
Gregor Schnuer
William James and the religious character of the sick soul
Roger G. López
Relevance of a friendship within a dialogue on relevance
Martin Endreß, Stefan Nicolae
J. Bishop, the anticipatory corpse, Medicine, power and the care of the dying
Antje Kahl
From reading minds to social interaction
Carrie Childs
The study of deviant subcultures as a longstanding and evolving site of intersecting membership categorizations
Vol. 37/3
K.Liberman, More studies in ethnomethodology
Chiara Bassetti
The quasi-face of the cell phone
Galit Wellner
The role of experience in perception
Rodrigo Ribeiro
Giving expression to rules
Radek Ocelák
Multistability and the agency of mundane artifacts
Flawed by Dasein? phenomenology, ethnomethodology, and the personal experience of physiotherapy
Thomas Abrams
Ethics in action
A. Carlin, R. Slack (eds), Ethnographic studies
Russell Kelly
Information giving and enactment of consent in written consent forms and in participants' talk recorded in a hospital setting
Marilena Fatigante , Franca Orletti
Local division of labor in rehabilitation team conferences
Hiroaki Izumi
Preserving the respondent's standpoint in a research interview
Francesca Alby , Marilena Fatigante
Understanding addiction
Ethics and the social dimension of research activities
Matters of fact, and the fact of matter
Reflecting on the ethics and politics of collecting interactional data
Susan A. Speer
Empathy and the melodic unity of the other
Vol. 38/4
Joona Taipale
Subjectivity and power
Vol. 38/2
Jochen Dreher, Daniela Griselda López
The vocabulary of reality
Vol. 38/3
Ronny Miron
M. Coeckelbergh, Environmental skill
Jochem Zwier , Andrea R. Gammon
Intersubjectivity of Dasein in Heidegger's Being and time
K. M. Stroh
Antonio Calcagno, Lived experience from the inside out
Michela Summa
Fun in go
Philippe Sormani
Phronēsis and the art of healing
Donald Landes
Value as a social fact
Vol. 38/1
Daniel Cefaï , Bénédicte Zimmermann , Stefan Nicolae, Martin Endreß
How editors decide
Outreach work in Paris
Daniel Cefaï
Error, aberration, and abnormality
Baudouin Dupret , Louis Quéré
Financialisation of valuation
Eve Chiapello
Edith Stein's account of communal mind and its limits
Emanuele Caminada
Empathy, emotional sharing and feelings in Stein's early work
Íngrid Vendrell Ferran
From manuscript evaluation to article valuation
David Pontille , Didier Torny
Between phenomenology and hermeneutics
Saulius Geniusas
Victims' normative repertoire of financial compensation
Janine Barbot , Nicolas Dodier
On being a ‘we’
Timothy Burns
Durkheim as the founding father of phenomenological sociology
Carlos Belvedere
What's the right price for babysitting?
Alain Cottereau
Stein and Honneth on empathy and emotional recognition
James Jardine
Evaluation as practical judgment
Jean Munck , Bénédicte Zimmermann
Introduction: empathy and collective intentionality
Thomas Szanto, Dermot Moran
F. Vatin (ed.), Évaluer et valoriser
Laura Centemeri
A case study in the relationship of mind to body
Mike Ball
Collective emotions, normativity, and empathy
Thomas Szanto
Merleau-Ponty on causality
A. Orléan, L'empire de la valeur
Jörg Potthast
A. Cottereau, M. M. Marzok, Une famille andalouse
Stefan Nicolae
The surprise of a breast reconstruction
Marjolein de Boer, René van der Hulst, Jenny Slatman
R. Ranisch and S. Sorgner (eds.), Post- and transhumanism
Conscious ambivalence
Vol. 39/3
Hili Razinsky
Much ado about nothing
Vol. 39/2
Thomas Luckmann (October 14, 1927–May 10, 2016)
Vol. 39/4
Martin Endreß
Vol. 39/1
On the very idea of social construction
Type and spontaneity
Jan Straßheim
Making loud bodies "feminine"
Sara Cohen Shabot
Present contemporaries and absent consociates
Greti-Iulia Ivana
Is it possible to "incorporate" a scar?
Jenny Slatman
Sociology as a naïve science
Greg Yudin
Rethinking the body and space in Alfred Schutz's phenomenology of music
Rhonda Siu
Social construction of reality
Harry Collins
Heidegger and Korsgaard on death and freedom
Ontogenesis versus morphogenesis towards an anti-realist model of the constitution of society
Christoforos Bouzanis
Islamic positivism and scientific truth
Baudouin Dupret , Clémentine Gutron
Self-help, moral philosophy, and the moral present
Nora Hämäläinen
C. Alberto Sánchez, Contingency and commitment
On the social construction of reality
Barry Barnes
R. Tuomela, Social ontology
J. Angelo Corlett, Julia Strobel
The dynamic association of being and non-being
SangWon Lee
Narrative technologies
Mark Coeckelbergh, Wessel Reijers
In-between spaces
Michaela Pfadenhauer
G. Pfeifer, The new materialism
Chad Kautzer
Constructing gender incommensurability in competitive sport
Marion Müller
What makes people tick? and what makes a society tick? and is a theory useful for understanding?
Silke Steets
Strangers, trust, and religion
Kurt H. Wolff and Italy
Onorina del Vecchio
Kurt Wolff's interpretation of Mannheim's late political writings
Sandro Segre
The common denominator
Hubert Knoblauch, René Wilke
Playing chamber music at a rock festival?
Social constructionism as a sociological approach
Technology, phenomenology and the everyday world
Nicola Liberati
Social constructivism in science and technology studies
Modernity and evil
Consuelo Corradi
M. Ratcliffe, Experiences of depression
B. Stawarska, Saussure's philosophy of language as phenomenology
Elena Ruiz
Structures of a life-work
Jochen Dreher, Andreas Göttlich
I am not my body, this is not my body
Yochai Ataria
The disciplining of reason's cunning
Vol. 4/1
Free-phantasy, language, and sociology
The postulate of adequacy
Raymond McLain
Max Weber's methodological strategy and comparative lifeworld phenomenology
Interpretive sociology and Paul Ricoeur
Steven McGuire
Founding an existential ethic
Freedom in theory and praxis
Charles E. Marske
The idea of the person as a collective representation
Martin E. Spencer
P. Bourdieu, Outline of a theory of praxis
Erwin Straus and the problem of individuality
Donald Moss
A sociology of survival?
Fiona Mackie
Ideology, perspective, and praxis
Mary F. Rogers
Culture as a fundamental dimension of experience
On sociological description
Dorothy E. Smith
Subjective origins, objective reality
Solipsistic and intersubjective phenomenology
Peter Hutcheson
A preface to frame analysis
John O'Neill
The paradox of secrecy
Beryl L. Bellman
Formal structures of coordination in a Thai ceremony
William Rittenberg
James Dagenais
On the real and the make-believe
Hernan Vera , Shelley Nathans
Grammatical and literary structures
Frank W. Bliss , Earl R. MacCormac
Beyond existentialist caricatures
Michael Plekon
Analysing gaze in terms of subjective and objective interpretation
Vol. 40/1
Pallavi Sharma , Archana Barua
Beyond rational order
Vol. 40/4
Tone B. Eikeland , Tone Saevi
Truth and consciousness
Yoga in penitentiary settings
Mar Griera
Towards a theory of toys and toy-play
Vol. 40/2
Alan Levinovitz
P. Kouba, The phenomenon of mental disorder
"You gotta see both at the same time"
Bryn Evans , Richard Fitzgerald
Facing a disruptive face
Gili Yaron , Agnes Meershoek , Guy Widdershoven , Michiel Brekel , Jenny Slatman
Lester E. Embree (January 9, 1938 – January 19, 2017)
Humanizing the animal, animalizing the human
Christian Ferencz-Flatz
When rules go awry
Mike Lloyd
Resistance to pragmatic tendencies in the world of working in the religious finite province of meaning
J. Read, The politics of transindividuality
Ted Stolze
Dasein's shadow and the moment of its disappearance
Rachel Aumiller
Husserl's phenomenology of animality and the paradoxes of normality
Cristian Ciocan
Gender (in)difference in gender (un)equal couples
Vol. 40/3
A. Steinbock, Phenomenology & mysticism
Jason Alvis
Merleau-Ponty's immanent critique of gestalt theory
Benjamin Sheredos
What can the human sciences contribute to phenomenology?
Religion and violence
Environmental knowledge, technology, and values
Ryan Gunderson
Otherwise than being-with
Chantal Bax
Life-world, sub-worlds, after-worlds
Ruth Ayaß
Help-search practices in rehabilitation team meetings
Alfred Schutz and phenomenology of religion
J. Oksala, Feminist experiences
Carolyn Culbertson
Being seen
Oliver Müller
P. Locke, R. McCann (eds.), Merleau-Ponty
Explicating the key notions of copresence and verification in relation to Husserl's use of the term direct to describe empathy
Heath Williams
Patočka's care of the soul reconsidered
Martin Ritter
Considering the public private-dichotomy
Daniel Brennan
Shame, vulnerability and belonging
Luna Dolezal
S. Sorgner, Transhumanismus – "die gefährlichste idee der welt!?'
Franc Mali
A Schutzian analysis of prayer with perspectives from linguistic philosophy
K. Hoshikawa , Michael Staudigl
Embodied harm
Lauren Freeman
The stranger to time
Sertaç Demir
S. Ferrarello, Husserl's ethics and practical intentionality
M. Reder, Religion in säkularer Gesellschaft
Jan Frei
Reduction and the question of beginnings in Husserl, Fink and Patočka
Vol. 41/4
Witold Płotka
The knowledge of people disappeared during Argentina's military rule
Vol. 41/2
Ram Natarajan
A. Fiala, The Bloomsbury companion to political philosophy
Gregory McCreery
Toward a general theory of understanding
Vol. 41/3
Dániel Havrancsik
Spirituality and intersubjective consensus
Phenomenology and ontology of language and expression
Hayden Kee
Popitz's imaginative variation on power as model for critical phenomenology
J. Pearl
Heinrich Popitz and the power of violence and technical action in the revolutionary and information ages
Erik Garrett
The philosophical anthropology of Heinrich Popitz
Jerry Williams
The mediated breast
Jenny Slatman, Marjolein de Boer
Power, discourse, and ethics
Viewing spontaneity ethnomethodologically
Vol. 41/1
Calvinist predestination and the spirit of capitalism
What is original in Merleau-Ponty's view of the phenomenological reduction?
Christopher Pollard
A theory of affective communication
Christian Julmi
Gestalt psychology as a missing link in Ernst Cassirer's mythical symbolic form
Ira Katsur
Bearers of transience
Ryan Coyne
Wittgenstein as a philosopher of technology
Mark Coeckelbergh, Michael Funk
The field of consciousness and extended cognition
Three difficulties in phenomenological discourse
Tyler Klaskow
Living with death in rehabilitation
Thomas Abrams , Jenny Setchell
The ethnomethods of ethnography
Larissa Schindler
Virtualization of the life-world
Ossi Ollinaho
The documentary method of [video] interpretation
Patrick G. Watson
The institution of life in Gehlen and Merleau-Ponty
Jan Halák, Jiří Klouda
The influence of Heidegger's thought on the development of philosophy in ex-Yugoslav countries
Dean Komel
Phenomenology, Pokémon Go, and other augmented reality games
Two kinds of awareness
Cressida J. Heyes
Don't talk about the elephant
Ana Mijić
How does corporeality inform theorizing?
Paulina Segarra , Ajnesh Prasad
A. Odenstedt, Gadamer on tradition
Bharani Kollipara
Language and the as-structure of experience
Robert Stolorow, George Atwood
Animal experience
Alexandru Bejinariu
The modern faces of postmodernism
To learn the world again
Sara Rodrigues
Time and matter
Ádám Takács
Human mirrors
Thiemo Breyer
On thick records and complex artworks
Yaël Kreplak
Beyond postphenomenolgy
Vol. 42/4
Wessel Reijers
Heidegger and Husserl on the technological-scientific worldview
Corijn Van Mazijk
Heideggerian phenomenology, practical ontologies and the link between experience and practices
Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen
Seeing through the fumes
Jochem Zwier , Vincent Blok
The intensity of lived-experience in Martin Heidegger's basic problems of phenomenology (ws 1919/2020)
Scott Campbell
Cogitor ergo sum
Vol. 42/3
Stephen Langfur
The a priori critique of the possibility of a phenomenology of religion
Freud and Heidegger on the "origins" of sexuality
Translating Plessner's Levels
Vol. 42/1
Millay Hyatt, Phillip Honenberger
Machina sapiens
Katharina Block
Humans, materiality and society
Anna Henkel
The emergence of practical self-understanding
Jos De Mul
Being together, worlds apart
Rebecca A. Hardesty, Ben Sheredos
How is the human life-form of mind really possible in nature?
Hans-Peter Krüger
Seeing the other's mind
Zhida Luo
Morality in scientific practice
Letizia Caronia, André H. Caron
Common understandings of and consensus about collective action
Ole Pütz
Experimental philosophy, ethnomethodology, and intentional action
Gustav Lymer , Olle Blomberg
Kelly Oliver, Carceral humanitarianism
Eric Aldieri
S. Khader, Decolonizing universalism
Shay Welch
Alfred Schutz's fragments on social roles as a phenomenological alternate to mainstream sociology
The social undecidedness relation
Eccentric positionality
Categorial differences
Volker Schürmann
Self-stigma, bad faith and the experiential self
Karl Eriksson
"Torture is putting it too strongly, boredom is putting it too mildly"
Andrew J. Mitchell and Peter Trawny (eds), Heidegger's Black notebooks
Is mental illness a form of violence against the self?
Vol. 43/2
Cătălina Condruz
Modern violence
Erik Meganck
On the politicization of violence within reductive and non-reductive accounts of violence
Whence Heidegger's phenomenology?
"The separation that is not a separation but a form of union"
Vol. 43/1
Laura McMahon
Iconoclasm and imagination
Hub Zwart
Being-in-the-world reconsidered
Karl Leidlmair
Understanding the protester's opposition
Paul Marinescu
Towards a multi-modal phenomenological approach of violence
Violence and affectivity
Husserl on personal level explanation
Saving face and atrocities
Majlinda Bregasi
Michela Beatrice Ferri (ed.), The reception of husserlian phenomenology in North America
The question of violence between the transcendental and the empirical field
Remus Breazu
Beyond an instrumental view of violence
Ciprian Jeler
Postmodern thought and the self
Natasha van Antwerpen, Candice Oster
Event and structure
Methods of entering where access is restricted
Anna McLauchlan, Allyson F. Noble
Depth as Nemesis
Vol. 44/2
Michal Lipták
Introduction to Harold Garfinkel's ethnomethodological "misreading" of Aron Gurwitsch on the phenomenal field
Vol. 44/1
Clemens Eisenmann, Michael Lynch
Ethnomethodological misreading of Aron Gurwitsch on the phenomenal field
Personal uniqueness and events
Vol. 44/4
Petr Prášek
Reverent awe and the field of consciousness
Vol. 45/3
The politics of the new positivity
Vol. 5/1
Arthur W. Frank
Philosophy of man as a rigorous science
Philip Bossert
Improper closings
On the several sources of Freud's conservatism
Christopher Nichols
"Species-being" and "human nature" in Marx
Thomas E. Wartenberg
Talk's form
David T. Helm
Confluences and differences in the early work of Gurwitsch and Schutz
The topic of power
Authors, audiences, and texts
Phenomenology as a critique of politics
Closure and disclosure in pre-trial argument
On the demise of the native
W. W. Sharrock , R. J. Anderson
The linguistic organization of public controversy
William M. Berg , J. Ross
Understanding ethnomethodology
Mark Peyrot
Language and praxis
On the possibility of society
Considered judgements again
Aspects of sequential organization in plea bargaining discourse
Nonreductive materialism and the materialisms of Marx and Heidegger
Douglas V. Porpora
Practical reasoning in depression
The role of commitment in scientific inquiry
Ronald L. Hall
Linguistic constitution
Vol. 6/1
Disenchantment and modernity
Norms and interpretations
Christel Hopf
Toward an anthropology of the life-world
Inference and schema
Michael H. Agar
The problem of intersubjectivity
Frederick Grinnell
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
James Schmidt
Envy and the dark side of alienation
Ofelia Schutte
A. W. McHoul
Some constituents of descriptive psychological reflection
Frederick Wertz
Decision and experience
Louise Levesque-Lopman
No one commits suicide
Grading practices
James A. Holstein
The intersubjective constitution of the body-image
Hans Joas
On the other side of silence
From epistemology to ontology
Common sense and common convictions
Contingent anda priori structures in sequential analysis
The well-informed citizen
Vol. 7/2
Complexity and intersubjectivity
Vol. 7/1
John Bednarz
Functional method and phenomenology
Vol. 7/1-4
Vol. 7/3-4
Charles A. Pressler
Speech and the unspeakable in the "place" of the unconscious
Charles E Scott
Schutz's life story and the understanding of his work
Discussion of Wagner, Imber, and Rasmussen
Niklas Luhmann and his view of the social function of law
John Murphy
Surrender-and-catch and phenomenology
Explorations of the Lebenswelt
The Wittgenstein connection
Social theory without wholes
On the origin of "phenomenological" sociology
A. Schutz and F. Kaufmann, Sociology between science and interpretation
Ingeborg Katharina Helling
On surrender, death, and the sociology of knowledge
Judith Feher
Oedipus rex
The provisional homecomer
Funmilayo M. Jones
Effectiveness, expertise and excellence as ideological fictions
Is "ethicist" anything to call a philosopher?
The "search for adultness"
Carolyn Baker
Topic nomination and topic pursuit
Vol. 8/1
Graham Button , Neil Casey
Sociobiology, morality and feminism
Vol. 8/2
Wagner and the intellectual biography of Alfred Schutz
Vol. 8/4
Richard Owsley
The body politic
Vol. 8/3
Magic witchcraft and the materialist mentality
Unmasking nihilism
The coarse and the subtle
Some guidelines for the phenomenological analysis of interview data
Richard H. Hycner
Error-correction techniques and sequences in instructional settings
Can the university defend the values upon which it stands?
Schutz's Bergsonian analysis of the structure of consciousness
W. Dilthey and J. H. Newman on prepredicative thought
Mary Tillman
G. Psathas, Everyday language
Reading Habermas reading Freud
Bernard Flynn
Vol. 9/2-3
Graham Button , Paul Drew, John Heritage
Between and within
Charles Goodwin
Exploring relations between surrender-and-catch and poetry, sociology, evil
Vol. 9/4
The routine as achievement
Extreme case formulations
Anita Pomerantz
Token up-dates
Martha Komter
Texts as organizational echoes
Peter K. Manning
Conversations and texts
Michael Mulkay
The texture of embodiment
Vol. 9/1
David Schenck
Television and its audiences as dimensions of being
Jenny L. Nelson
Shaking the foundations of lifeworld
Kids, culture and innocents
Studying children
Techniques and persons
Osborne P Wiggins, Michael Alan Schwartz
Offering and soliciting collaboration in multi-party disputes among children (and other humans)
The problem of reference in Max Weber's theory of causal explanation
Gerhard Wagner, Heinz Zipprian
Poetry and sociology
Some sequential structures in direction-giving
Notes on "latency" in overlap onset
Gail Jefferson
The vocation of reason
Projection and "silences"
John Local , John Kelly